
Please note: if registering after Sunday October 4, 2015 we cannot guarantee receiving a Tshirt.

Get your ticket while they’re still hot and don’t wait until the last minute – that way we can guarantee your T-shirt and lunch.

Tickets sales are only $20 for a day of informative and inspiring WordPress-centric topics, a delicious lunch, a cool T-shirt, and an invitation to our after party 7:00PM at Eagle’s Nest Rockin’ Country Bar, located at 600 Nevan Road in the Hilltop area of Virginia Beach. Bring your WordCamp Badge for admission.


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8am Registration
8:50am Opening Remarks
9am Michelle Martello: Stop pushing pixels. Become a digital strategist Ben C Bond: WordPress Mobile Game Engine Judith Chauvette: Not Your Momma’s Blog
10am Cameron Barrett: WordPress for Schools Tracy Rotton: Sass + RWD: The Tools You Need To Know About Steve Mortiboy: Successfully implementing Open Graph to improve social sharing
11am Drew Poland: Freelancing Topher DeRosia: Getting Loopy Tim Bishop: WordPress Security 101
12pm Lunch
1pm Nik Vimal: The WordPress REST API Kyle Bondo: Monsters of WordPress Nile Flores: Troublehsooting WordPress
2pm Helen Hou-Sandí: From Va Beezy to Lead Developer: How WordPress took me places Shayna Diamond: Adding Functionality with Custom Post Types and Custom Fields Michele Butcher: I have my WordPress site… Now What?
3pm Tony Zeoli: Winning SEO Strategies with WordPress Jeff Matson: Choosing a WordPress Host Jared Beasley: Optimizing WordPress for Photography
4pm Women of WordPress Panel